My Story

Welcome to my website and thank you for joining me here on my story page. My story does include trauma and I am pressing forward so that I do not become defined by the past but by the truth that I am worthy of hope.

My main trauma comes from two divorces that resulted because of abusive situations, and emotional abandonment from my father and brothers. I am choosing to leave the details of that part of my story at the feet of Jesus. God has held me and carried me through hard times. El Roi is one of the names of God in Hebrew, it is translated as “the God who sees”. There is comfort in knowing He sees me. He knows the details and He will heal my wounded heart.

I accepted Christ at the age of 19 back in my home state of Texas. My journey only begins with salvation and continues with moments, choices, and questions for it is all about relationship with Jesus. I definitely have trust issues but He is teaching me that He is a man I can trust. In John 10:27 (ESV) Jesus said “My sheep hear my voice, I know them, and they follow me” , This verse became real to me about 5 years ago. I woke up in the middle of the night and felt extremely peaceful even though life was just the opposite. So I prayed and asked Jesus “Why do I feel so peaceful when life is so crazy?” and I heard in my mind “This is what it feels like to be held, I am holding you.” And so began my journey of hearing his voice.

Several months later I woke in the middle of the night and could not get back to sleep so I meditated on my life verse Proverbs 3:5-6, I suddenly heard “I am your strength and your shield.” Wait what was that? I wasn’t thinking about that, so it prompted me to google it. Psalm 28:7(ESV) The Lord is my strength and my shield….” Did you catch the difference? When I heard it, He said “I am” but the verse reads “The Lord”. He was speaking to me in first person! Little did I know how I would lean on that verse for years to come.

While preparing this story for the website one night I heard “I am the Lord your God” (Isaiah 41:13, NLV) “For I am the Lord your God who holds your right hand and says to you, “ Do not be afraid. I will help you.” Wow! I have been starting most of my days crying out to the Lord “Help me Jesus!” ever since moving to the Nashville area and living alone for the first time in my life. As we would say in Texas trusting Jesus ain’t for sissies sister!

I have been creating art for souls in need of healing for nine years and it is a leap of faith to start this website after getting published. Without Jesus we are hopeless but through His sacrifice on the cross He is saying to us. “You are worthy of hope, I am here for you and I love you.” My heart is here in the products I have created for you to purchase so find something that speaks to your soul and enjoy your journey with Jesus.

In Him,
Karen Brothers
P.S. A portion of the the funds I receive will go to organizations that help women in crisis. Journals are often donated when I hear the Lord prompting me. Your purchase helps to make all of this possible.

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See Karen’s Artwork and Journals for Sale .